Interdisciplinary Design BA
Interdisciplinary Design BA students pursue focused studies that combine multiple disciplines to pursue hybrid degrees in highly specialized disciplines or new and emerging disciplines. These hybrid degrees merge established disciplines into a single curriculum, distinct from sub-disciplines inside other BFA programs.
The degree program currently offers hybrids between Photo- and Lens-Based Design (PH), Graphic Design (GD), Illustration (IL), and the physical track of Product and User Experience Design (PXD) BFAs. Students in hybrid programs enroll in focused studies such as:
Motion & Film Title Design (PH + GD),
Lettering or Graphic Illustration (IL + GD),
or Product Packaging (PXD + GD).
Other focused hybrids are possible with faculty approval and as long as the coursework is based primarily on courses included in the Interdisciplinary Design BA program map, and secondary from other design department courses.
Students wishing to explore design careers in Photo- and Lens-based Design, Animation, Graphic Design, Product and User Experience Design (both physical & digital track) or Illustration are encouraged to pursue those specific BFA degree programs. Please note the department offers no classes or hybrid in fashion design, interior design, or architecture.

How to Get into the Major:
1. Apply and be accepted to BYU
2. Sign up as a Pre-Interdisciplinary Design major online through your mymap or at the advisement center - 1090 WCCB.
(courses taken are based upon selected hybrid track)
ILL+GD Track: DESGD 145 or DESIL 101
PH+GD Track: DESGD 145 or DESPH 116
3. This is the first step towards your BA in Interdisciplinary Design: take DESGD 145, DESIL 101 or DESPH 116 depending on your hybrid track (ILL+GD or PH+GD)
4. Apply for the Pre-BA in December, April, or June.
(You can only apply twice)
————————————————-DEC APR JUN————————————————————
DES 198
ILL+GD Track: DESGD 243/DESGD 245, DESIL 130/DESIL 140
PH+GD Track: DESGD 243/DESGD 245, DESPH 120/DESPH 260
5. The Pre-BA is the next step towards the Interdisciplinary Design BA, once you are accepted, then take the courses listed dependent upon your hybridy track: ILL+GD: DESGD 243/DESGD 245, DESIL 130/DESIL 140; PH+GD: DESGD 243/DESGD 245, DESPH 120/DESPH 260
6. Apply for the BA in June
(you can only apply twice).
Take classes in the Interdisciplinary Design BA major starting Fall Semester with your fellow BA student cohort.